Welcome to the Twinscakes Macarons website and virtual store. Twinscakes Macarons offers sweet products such as macarons, cakes, and more. All references in this agreement and on the website are in the masculine form for convenience, but apply equally to both sexes. The regulation below sets out the general conditions for any purchase of products from Twinscakes Macarons, whether by virtual means on the online store or by phone/WhatsApp. This regulation prevails over any other document or verbal expression, whether by the customer or the consumer (hereinafter referred to as “you”) and by Twinscakes Macarons (hereinafter also referred to as “Twinscakes”, “we”, “the store”, “the shop” or “the company”). Each purchase on Twinscakes Macarons is governed by the general conditions applicable on the date of the order. By validating your order, we consider that you accept our terms and conditions of sale without reserve after having read them. The company reserves the right to modify the regulations from time to time at its sole discretion, without notice and/or prior notification.


Twinscakes Macarons does its best to provide the customer with what he requests when placing his order. However, please note that the images and information on the website are provided for informational purposes only and changes may be made between them and the products actually provided. This is because all our products are handmade. Twinscakes Macarons undertakes to provide the products in accordance with the content of the website. In the event of a product shortage, once your order has been validated, we undertake to contact you to offer you an alternative solution, however, no refund can be offered. Please note that some products may be shipped after the usual shipping time, this information is notified on the product sheet in this case. We do not have kosher certification. The store uses Halavi and Parve products, with or without gluten, with suitable tableware for each, all equipped with a kosher certificate. Some products are exported and are not manufactured in Israel, such as almond powder, Kinder or M&M’S, etc. The store does not guarantee a 100% sterile working environment for some of its products, such as nuts, soy, gluten, eggs, dairy products, etc. In case of doubt, if you are allergic, we do not recommend consuming our products.


The sales prices indicated on Twinscakes Macarons are in shekels and all taxes included but excluding delivery charges. Any delivery charges are indicated to the user as he selects products and are billed to him at the end of the order in addition to the price of the selected products. We reserve the right to modify our prices at any time but we undertake to apply the rates in force that have been indicated to you on at the time of your order. We inform you that in case of display of an obviously erroneous price, for whatever reason (computer bug, manual error, technical error…), the order will be canceled, even in case of initial validation.



Purchases in-store are conditioned by the input of all information required by the website and/or by the store representatives, whether by phone or in person. Twinscakes Macarons and/or its owners, operators, or managers are not responsible for errors made by the buyer when entering information. The store management or its employees and representatives will not be directly or indirectly responsible in any way if the purchase details are not recorded in the system and/or for any other problem, including technical issues preventing the completion of actions on the site, as well as for any error when entering order details, all of these circumstances, together or separately, preventing further processing of the order. The store reserves the right to not accept orders that are not completed with all necessary information. The customer agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date information when entering or handing over order details. The store reserves the right to act at its sole discretion if order information is missing or if the information provided is incorrect. Any transaction made on the store’s website, prior to approval by the credit card company, will be manually approved by the store due to possible stock shortages or errors occurring when entering the order form. The company undertakes to contact the customer in case of a problem with an order that has not been properly placed and not to execute the order or shipment before confirmation of the new order. If the order is not reapproved through the purchasing process, due to its unavailability or the unavailability of the shipping recipient, the company reserves the right to decide not to ship the order until it is approved as indicated above. The prerequisite for the store’s transaction approval is the receipt of approval from the credit card company. If approval from the credit card company is not received in time, the customer’s transaction will be void. After entering payment details on the payment page, an automatic confirmation will be sent by email upon receipt of the order details. This confirmation does not guarantee that the site administration will provide the products from the order, it simply confirms that the order details have been received by the site administration. The site administration reserves the right to make a decision and not process the order until it has been approved by the credit card company. In case of any problem with the approval of the transaction by the credit card company, the company will do its best to inform the customer. The site management reserves the right to update product prices on the site as well as shipping costs from time to time without notice. The price applicable to the order is the one that was published when the ordering process was finalized (including entering credit card details). If prices are updated before completing the ordering process, the customer will be charged according to the updated prices. In case of an error in the product description, its price, payment terms, product image, or any other provided information, or upon receiving customer data when entering details to make the purchase, the store reserves the right to cancel the purchase or suspend it until it is corrected with the customer.


The store allows its customers to purchase its products online via an automatic payment system. All sensitive data is encrypted using the SSL 128-bit protocol, in accordance with the strict security standards of the PCI DSS standard that protects information. The store undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the personal information provided and purchases made by the customer. In the event that, despite this, fraudulent use of credit card details occurs, in accordance with the law, the credit card issuer undertakes to refund the customer the total amount of the transaction. Transaction and buyer details will only be used for the store’s internal use and will not be transmitted to any other party, except for transferring information to the credit card company to obtain transaction approval. The buyer consents to the store retaining their information in its system. The site management reserves the right, but is not obligated, to provide updates to its customers via their accounts on the site by email and/or SMS. This includes content updates, information about its services and products, as well as special offers, site updates, in accordance with Article 30a of the Communications (Bezeq and Broadcasting) Law, 1982.


If you receive a delivery and items are missing, there has been an error in the order, or some items are damaged, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to resolve your issue. You can contact us by email at or by phone at 054 3246460. Deliveries will only be made on business days according to the specified hours (Sunday to Thursday between 10:00 and 17:00, Fridays and eve of holidays between 10:00 and 15:00 or before the start of Shabbat/holiday, or as agreed). Deliveries will only be made to the localities specified on the store’s website and at the specified times. When placing an online order, it is possible to choose a delivery time in agreement with Twinscakes Macarons, and on the day or the day before the delivery, an SMS will be sent to the customer with a time slot for delivery. However, the store is not responsible if the specific time requested by the customer is not met and/or if there are changes from the delivery driver to the scheduled time slot, a message will be sent to the mandatory mobile phone number provided during the order to arrange another time slot or possibly another delivery day. After agreeing on the chosen day and time slot, the customer must be available on the day of delivery to receive the package. If the store is unable to contact the recipient or if they are not available at the provided address, the store reserves the right to charge additional fees. The store uses an external delivery service that undertakes to deliver within flexible time slots, and the customer will receive a notification via SMS with the delivery hours from us or directly from the delivery driver. The store is not obliged to provide information on the delivery status or arrival time by phone, email, or SMS. The store will not send photos of the products to customers unless an order is handed over to a driver sent by the customer themselves, and the store will not be held responsible for damages, delays, or other issues arising from handing over the order to this driver. Delays in delivery may occur from time to time. Although the store is not responsible for these delays, it will do its best to minimize them. Once the delivery leaves the store, it is not possible to modify the delivery time or delivery address. If the delivery is not made to the provided address and no other person is available to receive it, the delivery will be considered a failure. In this case, the driver will return the package to the store, and the customer will be responsible for retrieving the package or arranging a new delivery at their own expense. The store will not refund the customer if the delivery is considered a failure. If you encounter an issue with the delivery you have received, please send a photo illustrating the problem to the store’s email address.


Cancellation of an order can be made under certain conditions: exceptional situations (war, extreme weather, etc.) or in case of an error after order validation. Any request for order cancellation must be made by email to within 24 hours maximum after order validation in the case of an order error and/or in the case of an exceptional situation, we will reach an agreement with the customer and a partial refund will be made depending on the progress of the order by our teams. Twinscakes Macarons reserves the right to refuse to refund the order. Due to the subjective and personal nature of preferences, the company will not accept return or refund requests for products that do not match the customer’s preferences. The company is not responsible for cases where the product has not been used within the recommended timeframe or when damage has occurred due to improper storage outside the company’s recommendations. Any complaints regarding the quality of products must be reported to the store within 24 hours of purchase or delivery by the carrier, by phone at 054 3246460 or by email at Please leave a message if no representative is available to take your call with details of your dissatisfaction. The company will not process requests submitted more than 24 hours after purchase or delivery. In the event that the company deems it necessary to compensate the customer, the amount of compensation will never exceed the value of the purchased products. Customer service is available every day from 10:00 to 19:00 and on Fridays and holidays from 10:00 to 15:00 by phone at 054-3246460 or by email at

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